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Dictionary Suite
amaryllis any of a group of bulbous plants bearing a lilylike rose-colored blossom.
morganite a kind of rose-colored, transparent beryl considered as a semiprecious stone.
rose acacia a shrub found in the southern United States that has brittle, prickling branches and bears clusters of large, rose-colored flowers.
rose geranium any of several geraniums that bear small pink or rose-colored flowers and are grown for their fragrant leaves, used in flavorings and perfumes.
roseola a rose-colored rash, such as rubella.
rose quartz a pink or rose-colored variety of quartz, used as a gemstone.
rosy finch any of several related finches, found in western North America and eastern Asia, that have rose-colored tinting on the wings, rump, tail, or the like.