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abrade to rub away by friction; erode. [2/4 definitions]
bark2 to rub or scrape the skin from. [1/2 definitions]
chafe to rub or press against something, esp. resulting in friction or wear. [1/6 definitions]
chalk to rub, treat, or mark with chalk. [1/6 definitions]
chamois to buff, shine, or rub with a chamois cloth. [1/5 definitions]
embrocate to lubricate and rub (the body) with a liniment or lotion, as to relieve sore muscles; apply an embrocation.
erase to rub, wipe, or scrape off marks or writing from. [1/2 definitions]
eraser an object used to erase or rub out writing or marks.
fray2 to wear or rub thin. [1/2 definitions]
grate2 to scrape or rub in a harsh way. [2/4 definitions]
grease a thick, oily material used on a machine to allow the parts to rub together smoothly while the machine is working. [1/2 definitions]
grind to rub together in a harsh way. [1/3 definitions]
itch to have a feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails.
knead to press, rub, or squeeze with the hands; massage. [1/2 definitions]
mop to wipe or rub as if with a mop; clean with a mop. [1/3 definitions]
nose to touch, rub, or examine with the nose. [1/9 definitions]
nuzzle to touch, push, or rub the nose against.
ointment a soft substance used for healing that contains some kind of oil. You rub ointment into the skin.
rase to rub out; erase. [1/2 definitions]
rasp to rub with a rough surface or instrument such as a coarse file; scrape; abrade. [2/8 definitions]
resin to rub or treat with resin. [1/3 definitions]