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Dictionary Suite
dross anything that is worthless or useless; rubbish. [1/2 definitions]
garbage anything that is or ought to be discarded as worthless, esp. spoiled or unwanted food; rubbish. [1/3 definitions]
garbage can a large, usu. cylindrical container for household rubbish.
humbug nonsense; rubbish; ridiculous! [1/8 definitions]
litter to make messy by scattering rubbish or other objects. [1/5 definitions]
refuse2 material considered to be waste or otherwise worthless; garbage; rubbish. [1/2 definitions]
tip2 a British word for a place specifically intended for dumping rubbish and refuse. This meaning of "tip" has the same meaning as "garbage dump." [1/6 definitions]
tommyrot (informal) foolishness; utter nonsense; rubbish.
trash anything that is thrown away because it is not wanted or is considered worthless; garbage; rubbish.