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annihilate to destroy completely; reduce to ruin. [1/3 definitions]
bane something or someone that causes ruin or great trouble. [1/2 definitions]
baneful causing or leading to death, destruction, or ruin; harmful or deadly.
bankruptcy a condition of utter failure, ruin, or lack. [1/2 definitions]
blast to ruin. [1/6 definitions]
blight to spoil, ruin, or destroy. [1/3 definitions]
botch to spoil or ruin as a result of clumsy work or poor repairs; bungle. [1/3 definitions]
break the bank (informal) to bring someone or something to financial ruin.
contaminate to ruin, infect, or make dirty by touching or adding something harmful.
cook one's goose (informal) to cause one to lose further opportunity; ruin one's chances; doom one to failure or defeat.
damn to cause the failure of; ruin. [1/11 definitions]
dash to make hopeless; ruin. [1/8 definitions]
dead duck (informal) a person or thing that is too deteriorated or ruined to be helped or saved, or that is sure to suffer ruin or failure.
decay loss of excellence, health, strength, or the like; state of ruin. [1/8 definitions]
demolish to put an end to; do away with; ruin; destroy. [1/4 definitions]
destroy to ruin completely.
destruction the state of being destroyed; ruin. [2/3 definitions]
destructive causing complete ruin or destruction.
devastate to destroy or ruin. [1/2 definitions]
devastation the act or an instance of destroying or ruining, or the destruction or ruin thus caused.
dilapidate to let (something) go to ruin or become decayed. [1/2 definitions]