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ache to feel pity, compassion, or sadness. [1/4 definitions]
alack used to indicate dismay, sadness, or regret.
alas a word used to express sadness or disappointment.
bitter full of or causing anger, hatred, or sadness. [1/3 definitions]
blues (used with a plural verb) a state of sadness. [1/2 definitions]
complain to express pain, sadness, or unhappy feelings about something. [1/2 definitions]
con dolore with grief or sadness; sorrowfully (used as a musical direction).
cry to have tears fall from your eyes as the result of pain, sadness, or another strong feeling. [1/2 definitions]
depressed experiencing psychological depression, a mood disorder characterized by pervasive sadness or hopelessness. [1/4 definitions]
depressing causing or having the potential to cause sadness and pessimism.
depression a mood characterized by deep sadness or low spirits. [1/4 definitions]
devastating causing terrible destruction, upset, or sadness.
disillusioned having lost or been stripped of one's hopes or illusions, often resulting in disappointment or sadness.
doleful full of sadness, sorrow, or melancholy. [1/2 definitions]
gloom a mood or air of sadness or sorrow. [1/2 definitions]
gloomy showing or filled with sadness. [1/3 definitions]
glum showing sadness or gloominess. [1/2 definitions]
grief great sadness.
grieve to feel great sadness; mourn. [2 definitions]
groan a deep sound made to show pain, grief, or sadness. [1/2 definitions]
heavy-hearted burdened by sadness; depressed; dejected; melancholy.