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Dictionary Suite
bluejacket a sailor, esp. one enlisted in the U.S. Navy.
gob2 (informal) a sailor in the U.S. Navy.
gunner a soldier or sailor who fires or helps to fire a large gun or cannon.
hearty a brave fellow or workmate, esp. a sailor. [1/6 definitions]
jack-tar a sailor.
lascar a sailor of Indian or East Indian ancestry, esp. one employed on European ships.
lubber a clumsy, unskilled, or inexperienced sailor or seaman; landlubber. [1/2 definitions]
mariner a person who oversees or assists in the navigation of a marine vessel; sailor. [1/2 definitions]
salt (informal) an experienced sailor. [1/10 definitions]
sea dog an old experienced sailor. [1/2 definitions]
seafarer someone who works on a seagoing boat; sailor. [1/2 definitions]
seafaring the work or occupation of a sailor. [1/4 definitions]
seaman someone who works on a boat or is skilled at operating one; sailor. [1/2 definitions]
shanghai to trick or kidnap and then force into service, esp. as a sailor.
shellback an old experienced sailor. [1/2 definitions]
shipmate one who serves on the same ship as someone else; fellow sailor.
swab (slang) a sailor. [1/6 definitions]
tar2 (informal) a sailor.