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Dictionary Suite
advertising the business, profession, or action of creating and distributing notices to the public for the purpose of stimulating sales of a product or service. [1/2 definitions]
bait-and-switch a sales tactic in which a seller attracts customers by advertising at a bargain price one item that is often out of stock, and then diverts their attention by encouraging them to buy another item at a higher price. [1/2 definitions]
box office the ticket sales office of a theater, concert hall, stadium, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
canvass to seek votes, contributions, or sales from (a group or a district). [1/8 definitions]
cash register a business machine, equipped with one or more drawers for storing bills and coins, that records, displays, and keeps a running total of sales and tax receipts, used esp. in retail stores.
clerk a person who works at a sales counter. [1/4 definitions]
dealership a sales agency authorized to sell a particular product in a particular area.
door-to-door conducted or visiting at each home in a given area, such as a political district or sales territory. [1/2 definitions]
forestall to manipulate sales of by buying up, diverting, or otherwise causing a scarcity of the merchandise. [1/3 definitions]
override an extra commission or percentage of sales paid to an executive. [1/8 definitions]
pitchman a street vendor or seller of cheap wares, esp. at a carnival, with a colorful sales spiel. [1/2 definitions]
promotion an effort that attempts to make something grow or increase, especially sales for a business. [1/2 definitions]
receipt (usu. pl.) a quantity received, esp. of money from sales. [1/5 definitions]
sales tax a tax on retail sales, usu. set at a fixed percentage of the sale price and paid by the consumer.
tax a sum of money levied by government on income, property, or sales and used for its services and administration. [1/6 definitions]
telemarketing the use of the telephone as a sales tool in research and promotion, processing orders, and the like.
traveling salesman a sales representative who visits customers in an assigned territory to sell or solicit orders for the goods or services of a particular business firm.
under-the-counter secret or illegal, as sales or payments; under-the-table.
value-added tax a sales tax paid on the value added to products and services at each stage of manufacturing and distribution.
VAT abbreviation of "value-added tax," a sales tax paid on the value added to products and services at each stage of manufacturing and distribution.