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alkali a soluble salt found in some soil composition, making it unfit for agriculture. [1/2 definitions]
alkalinize to add salt to (soil). [1/2 definitions]
ammonium chloride a white crystalline salt used in dry cells, in medicine as an expectorant, and in various industrial applications; sal ammoniac.
ammonium sulfate a water-soluble salt, used mainly to purify water and as a fertilizer.
amoeba a tiny living thing made of only one cell. Amoebas move by changing their shape. They eat by wrapping their bodies around their food. Amoebas live in fresh and salt water, soil, and in animals. Most kinds of amoebas can only be seen through a microscope.
arsenate an ester or salt of arsenic acid.
-ate2 a salt or ester of any of certain acids.
Attic wit see "Attic salt."
baked beans beans that have been boiled and then baked, often with salt pork, tomato sauce, or molasses.
benzoate in chemistry, a salt or ester of benzoic acid.
borate in chemistry, a salt or ester of boric acid or of any acid containing boron.
brine salt water. [1/2 definitions]
briny of or like brine or salt water; very salty. [1/2 definitions]
bromate any salt of bromic acid.
cap rock the solid rock layer that is immediately over a deposit of oil, gas, salt, or the like.
carbonate in chemistry, a salt or ester of carbonic acid. [1/3 definitions]
caster a small container, sometimes with a perforated lid, used for sugar, salt, pepper, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
celery salt a seasoning that consists of ground celery seed and salt.
cesium a salt compound of cesium and chlorine used in medicine and research as a high-density purification agent; cesium chloride. [1/2 definitions]
chlorate in chemistry, a salt of chloric acid.
chloride in chemistry, a salt of hydrochloric acid consisting of chlorine and one other element.