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abstinence the denial of satisfaction of one's appetites, esp. the appetite for certain foods, drugs, or sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
aha a word used to express feelings like surprise, success, discovery, or satisfaction.
catch up to reach a stage of completeness or full satisfaction, but later than originally required or intended (usu. fol. by "on" or "with"). [1/3 definitions]
complacency satisfaction with oneself or one's situation; smugness.
content2 satisfaction; contentment. [1/3 definitions]
delight considerable pleasure, satisfaction, or enjoyment. [4/5 definitions]
discontent lack of contentment or satisfaction. [1/4 definitions]
enjoyment pleasure or satisfaction that you get from doing something.
establish to determine or prove to the satisfaction of others; show to be true or valid. [1/3 definitions]
extract to derive (satisfaction, comfort, or the like), usu. from some event or circumstance. [1/9 definitions]
feed to take reinforcement or satisfaction. [1/13 definitions]
fool's paradise an illusion of happiness and satisfaction.
fulfillment the condition or quality of being fulfilled; satisfaction. [1/2 definitions]
gloat to feel or show great pride or satisfaction, often when someone else does badly or fails.
good used to express satisfaction, pleasure, or approval. [1/25 definitions]
gratify to give pleasure or satisfaction to (someone). [1/2 definitions]
gratifying causing pleasure or satisfaction, esp. after the accomplishment of something.
heartwarming causing a warm feeling of satisfaction or affection.
joy a source of extreme happiness or satisfaction. [1/3 definitions]
on approval for determination of satisfaction, without obligation to buy.
please to give satisfaction or pleasure. [1/5 definitions]