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behind slower than expected or required; not keeping to the usual or necessary schedule. [1/5 definitions]
calendar a list of important events arranged in the order in which they happen; schedule. [1/2 definitions]
COLA an adjustment in wages or payments, or an automatic schedule of such adjustments, based on changes in the cost of living (acronym for "cost of living adjustment").
column an article or other piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine that appears on a regular schedule. [1/4 definitions]
extra an edition of a newspaper that is added to a regular publication schedule. [1/4 definitions]
itinerary a travel route, or a plan for travel including a route, stopping places, and schedule. [1/4 definitions]
nonscheduled of a passenger or cargo carrier, not operating on a regular schedule.
planner a notebook used to write down assignments or schedule events or appointments. [1/2 definitions]
preschedule combined form of schedule.
program a plan of what will be done; schedule. [3/7 definitions]
rematch to schedule a repeated match for or between teams or contestants. [1/2 definitions]
run to move between places on a schedule. [1/30 definitions]
schedule to include in a schedule. [1/4 definitions]
slate a record, schedule, or list. [2/6 definitions]
stagger to schedule or arrange at different times. [1/4 definitions]
steering committee a committee that determines the schedule and business agenda of a legislative body or the like.
tariff a government tax on imports or exports, or a rate or schedule of such taxes; duty. [2/3 definitions]
time to set or choose the time for; schedule. [1/15 definitions]
timetable a schedule that lists the times at which certain events take place. People read timetables to find out when trains, buses, or airplanes will arrive or leave.
tramp a cargo ship with no fixed route or schedule; tramp steamer. [1/12 definitions]
wage scale a schedule of the wages paid to workers in a given industry or locality, or paid by a given employer.