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book learning formal instruction or education; schooling. [1/2 definitions]
coeducation the schooling of males and females at the same institution and in the same classes.
education a level of formal schooling. [1/4 definitions]
pre-K shortened form of "prekindergarten," schooling for very young children that prepares them for kindergarten.
prekindergarten schooling for very young children that prepares them for kindergarten. Kindergarten in the U.S. is the first year of public elementary school, which children usually begin at age five.
rabbinical of or pertaining to rabbis or their doctrines, schooling, language, and the like.
scholarship money given to a student by a school or organization to help pay for the cost of schooling. [1/2 definitions]
tuition the charge for being taught at a college or private school. [1/2 definitions]
unschooled not acquired through schooling or training; natural. [1/2 definitions]