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assist in some sports, a play that helps another player complete a play such as a score. [1/5 definitions]
ballet the musical score written for or used in such a performance. [1/4 definitions]
baseball a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each, the object being to score runs by advancing runners around four bases. [1/2 definitions]
basket the open metal hoop and net through which the ball is shot to score points in basketball, or such an act of scoring. [1/3 definitions]
best-ball of or designating a system of scoring in golf competition in which, on each hole, the lower score of either partner is recorded as the score for that team.
birdie in golf, a score of one stroke under par for a hole. [2/3 definitions]
bogey in golf, a score of one above par on a hole. [1/2 definitions]
breakaway in certain sports, of or designating a play in which one player moves rapidly down the playing area with the potential to score, as in a basketball fast break. [1/6 definitions]
chalk up to score; earn. [1/2 definitions]
contract bridge a form of bridge in which only the number of tricks named in the contract may count toward a game, the excess tricks counting as a bonus score. (Cf. auction bridge.)
copy one of the printed reproductions of an original text, score, or photograph. [1/8 definitions]
counter1 an object used for counting in a game. Counters are usually a small piece of wood or metal and are used to help keep score. [1/2 definitions]
deuce1 in tennis and other racket sports, a tie score that requires either side to win two successive points in order to win the game. [1/2 definitions]
draw a game or contest that ends with both sides having the same score; tie. [1/8 definitions]
eagle in golf, a score of two under par on a single hole. [1/3 definitions]
end zone an area ten yards deep at either end of a football field, into which players attempt to carry the ball to score points.
fast break a play, esp. in basketball, in which a team advances quickly down the playing area to try to score before the defense is prepared.
field goal in football, a score worth three points, made by kicking the ball through the opponent's goalposts. [1/2 definitions]
fingering a particular or preferred method of using fingers to play a musical piece, often indicated in the score. [1/2 definitions]
football a game played in the United States and Canada by two teams on a long field. Each team tries to score points by passing or carrying the ball to the other team's end of the playing area, or by kicking it through the goal posts. [1/4 definitions]
forecourt in basketball, the half of the court in which a team is attempting to score. (Cf. backcourt.) [1/3 definitions]