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Dictionary Suite
bescreen (archaic) to conceal as if by covering with a screen; hide from sight.
billing the order or size of performers' names as they appear on a printed program, screen credits, or the like, taken as a sign of relative status or importance. [1/3 definitions]
blind (sometimes pl.) a device in a window to screen out light or give privacy within. [1/12 definitions]
blip a bright spot on a radar screen, used as an indicator. [1/5 definitions]
bookmark in computing, a user's stored link to a previously visited location on the Internet, often displayed on-screen as a menu item or icon. [1/2 definitions]
burka a long, loose garment that covers the face and body, worn in public by many Muslim women with a space left open for the eyes and typically covered by a mesh screen. [1/2 definitions]
button a small, round symbol on a computer screen or electronically-active page that allows one to activate a program. [1/7 definitions]
cage a movable screen used for batting practice in baseball or softball. [1/4 definitions]
cathode-ray tube a vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is accelerated and focused in a beam that produces lighted traces on a screen at one end of the tube, used in television sets, computer monitors, and the like.
click in computing, to press and let go of the button on a mouse in order to carry out an action on the screen, such as moving the cursor or opening a program (often followed by "on"). [1/7 definitions]
computer graphics images produced by a computer than can be displayed on the screen or printed.
CRT abbreviation of "cathode-ray tube," a vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is accelerated and focused in a beam that produces lighted traces on a screen at one end of the tube, used in television sets, computer monitors, and the like.
cursor a movable marker on a computer screen. The cursor shows where to click on an icon or where letters or numbers can be typed in.
curtain anything that acts as a screen or cover. [1/4 definitions]
desktop in computing, a graphical interface on personal computers that represents the user's working space as icons on a background that covers the screen, or the folder whose contents are thus represented. [1/4 definitions]
dial to select (numbers or other symbols) on a telephone by turning a dial, pressing buttons, or tapping on a screen. [1/2 definitions]
dialog box a window that appears on a computer screen to ask for information from the person using the computer.
display the screen of a computer on which information is shown. [1/3 definitions]
display name in computing, a name visible on a computer screen which indicates the user's identity. The display name is not necessarily the same as the user's "username," which is used in logging in.
drag to move (something) from one place to another on a computer screen by clicking on the object and holding down the mouse button while moving it. [1/6 definitions]
drive-in an outdoor theater at which people watch movies on a very large screen while sitting in their cars. [1/2 definitions]