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aioli a rich sauce, similar to mayonnaise, made of crushed garlic, egg yolks, lemon juice, and olive oil, served with vegetables, fish, and seafood.
chow mein a Chinese-American dish of stewed bean sprouts, other vegetables, and bits of chicken, seafood, or meat, poured over fried noodles.
cocktail1 an appetizer such as juice, mixed chopped fruit, or cold seafood with a sauce. [1/4 definitions]
court-bouillon a broth made from fish or seafood, cooked in wine or water with vegetables and herbs, and used in fish dishes, soups, and the like.
dim sum any of various Chinese dishes served in appetizer portions, esp. small dumplings filled with minced vegetables, meat, or seafood and steamed or fried, or a variety of such dishes served together.
fishery the business or industry of catching, processing, or selling fish and other seafood. [1/3 definitions]
half shell either of the two shells of a bivalve mollusk such as an oyster or clam, often used as a serving container for raw or cooked seafood.
marinara served or covered with marinara, as pasta or seafood. [1/2 definitions]
Newburg of seafood, cooked or served in a sauce made from cream, butter, egg yolks, and wine.
paella a Spanish dish combining chicken, rice, vegetables, and usu. meat and seafood, that is seasoned with saffron.
rémoulade a spiced cold sauce with a mayonnaise base, used as a dressing for salad, seafood, and the like.
rijsttafel an Indonesian meal in which a variety of fresh and cooked meats, seafood, vegetables, and condiments, each served in a separate dish, are added to a bed of rice.
salad a similar mixture made with meat, poultry, seafood, or fruit. [1/2 definitions]
seviche a Latin American seafood dish containing raw fish or shellfish marinated in lime juice with chilies, chopped tomatoes, and herbs.
tempura a Japanese dish consisting of vegetables or seafood such as shrimp dipped in batter and then deep-fried.
timbale creamed chicken, seafood, vegetables, or the like baked in a drum-shaped pastry shell. [1/2 definitions]
won ton a Chinese dish consisting of a casing or skin of noodle dough that is filled with minced meat, seafood, or vegetables and boiled, to be served as a dumpling in soup, or deep-fried and served as a side dish. [1/2 definitions]