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annual a plant that grows for only one year or one season. [1/3 definitions]
autumn the season of the year between summer and winter; fall.
bay leaf the dried leaf of one of two plants of the laurel family, used to season foods.
benzoic acid a white crystalline powder used as a preservative and antiseptic in perfumes and flavorings, in synthesizing dyes, and to season tobacco.
bowl1 a football game played at the end of the season by winning teams. [1/5 definitions]
color phase one of two or more specific colorings, determined by age or season, that are assumed by certain animals. [1/2 definitions]
condiment something used to flavor or season food, such as ketchup or relish.
costume a set of clothes suited to a particular season, occasion, or activity. [1/4 definitions]
crop the harvest of one or more farm products in a year or a season. [1/7 definitions]
deciduous dropping off at a particular season or stage of growth, as leaves or antlers. [1/3 definitions]
Eastertide the season of or period following Easter.
egret a kind of heron that is usually white and grows a long plume of feathers in breeding season. There are several kinds of egrets.
fall the season of the year between summer and winter; autumn. [1/4 definitions]
festival a group of shows, events, or special activities usually planned around a type of food, a season, or a kind of art or music.
firstling the first of its kind, such as the first fruits of a season. [1/2 definitions]
grand slam the winning of all major sporting contests in a particular sport, esp. a professional one such as golf, in one season. [1/4 definitions]
harvest the gathering of ripe crops, the crops or the amount of crops gathered, or the season in which they are gathered. [1/3 definitions]
herb a flowering plant whose stem is soft rather than woody and that dies at the end of a growing season. [1/2 definitions]
home range the area usu. covered by an animal during the course of a day or season.
hotbed a bed of soil, usu. heated by fermenting manure and covered by glass, used to protect sensitive plants or to grow plants out of season. [1/2 definitions]
low water the lowest level reached by a body of water, such as a lake or river in the dry season. [1/2 definitions]