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Dictionary Suite
accommodation a seat on a public conveyance. [1/6 definitions]
back seat the seat or seating area behind other seats, especially in a car or other vehicle.
barouche a four-wheeled carriage with a folding top, two opposing seats for two people each inside, and a driver's seat outside in front.
bench a long seat, often made of wood and without a back. [3/2 definitions]
bicycle a light vehicle with two wheels, one behind the other, a small seat, and handlebars for steering. Pedals make the wheels move. [1/2 definitions]
bleacher (usually plural) a group of benches in rows that are placed one above another. Bleachers are used to seat people at indoor and outdoor sports events.
bosom the seat of thought, affection, or emotion; heart. [1/7 definitions]
box seat a seat in a box, usu. offering a better view and some privacy, in a theater, concert hall, stadium, or the like.
brougham a four-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage with a closed compartment for passengers and an open driver's seat in front. [2/3 definitions]
bucket seat a single seat with a molded back, as in some cars and airplanes.
buggy1 (chiefly British) a light four-wheeled seat for transporting children that are too young to walk far; stroller. [1/3 definitions]
by-election in Britain and other countries, an election held between general elections to fill a vacant seat in government.
cab1 the enclosed part of a truck with a seat for the person who drives. [1/2 definitions]
calash a carriage with two low wheels, a seat for two people under a top that folds down, and a front seat for a driver. [1/2 definitions]
campstool a lightweight folding seat, usu. having three or four legs and no back or arms.
cathedra the official seat of a bishop.
chaise longue a couchlike chair with an elongated seat that supports the legs of the sitter.
coach a closed carriage that is pulled by horses. A coach has four wheels, and an outside seat for the driver. [1/6 definitions]
couch a comfortable seat with a back and arms for two or more people; sofa.
coupé a four-wheeled carriage with an enclosed area for two passengers and an exposed driver's seat. [1/2 definitions]
divan a couch or cushioned seat, usu. without arms and sometimes with pillows backed onto the walls instead of a backrest.