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antisecrecy combined form of secrecy.
bamboo curtain (sometimes cap.) a barrier to trade and diplomacy, based on ideological and political differences, that formerly existed between the People's Republic of China and the West, attributed by the latter to the secrecy and censorship practiced by the Chinese. (Cf. iron curtain.)
confidential denoting secrecy or confidence. [1/3 definitions]
hugger-mugger concealment; secrecy. [1/4 definitions]
iron curtain (sometimes cap.) the barrier to free communication and exchange of information which was attributed by Western nations to the secrecy and censorship of the Soviet Union after World War II.
lid (informal) a maintaining of secrecy. [1/5 definitions]
open behaving or speaking in an honest or direct way. [2/16 definitions]
privacy secrecy. [1/3 definitions]
secretive tending to secrecy.
sly having an air of secrecy; stealthy. [1/3 definitions]
supersecrecy combined form of secrecy.
under cover hidden or covert; in secrecy.
whisper to talk quietly so as to maintain privacy or secrecy, as in gossiping or scheming. [1/9 definitions]