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ad libitum at one's pleasure (used as a musical direction to indicate that a section so marked may be varied, improvised upon, or omitted, as the performer wishes, or as a stage direction to indicate that the performer may improvise).
aisle a side section in a church, separated from the nave by a row of pillars or columns. [1/2 definitions]
al fine to the finish (used as a musical direction to continue to the end of a repeated section).
ambulatory in architecture, an aisle around the end of a church's choir section. [1/5 definitions]
amen corner in some Protestant churches in the southern United States, a seating section for those who lead the congregation's responses of "amen."
annual ring one of the concentric rings of wood visible in a cross section of a tree representing the layer of growth from one year.
appendix a section at the end of a book or magazine article that gives more information. [1/2 definitions]
arbor vitae the treelike structure of the white matter in the cerebellum when viewed in longitudinal cross section.
area rug a rug intended to cover only a specific section of a floor.
article a specific section in a document such as a contract or a constitution. [1/4 definitions]
barrio a section of a U.S. city where Spanish is chiefly spoken. [1/2 definitions]
bat2 a small mammal that flies. Bats have small bodies and large wings covered with skin. Most bats eat at night, when they use sound to find and catch flying insects. Bats are found in most parts of the world. There are around one thousand kinds of bats. Their wingspans range from less than two inches to more than five feet. Some kinds of bats live in large colonies that roost in caves or in a section of forest.
bay2 a section of a building that is apart from the rest of the building and that is used for a specific purpose.
bay window a windowed section protruding from the outer wall of a building, so as to form an alcove within.
bend a curved thing, section, or area; curve. [1/10 definitions]
billet2 a narrow bar of steel or iron, usu. square in section, that is rolled or forged from an ingot. [1/4 definitions]
block a section of a city or town bounded on four sides by intersecting streets, or the distance represented by one side of such a section. [1/19 definitions]
body part a part or section of the human body, such as the arm, chest, nose, neck, or knee. [1/2 definitions]
book a major section of a larger written work, esp. that of the Christian Bible. [1/13 definitions]
book review a publication, or page or section thereof, devoted to such reviews, esp. of newly published books. [1/2 definitions]
box1 the section of a courtroom where the jury sits. [2/5 definitions]