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Dictionary Suite
actinozoan see "anthozoan."
activated charcoal see "activated carbon."
Acts see "Acts of the Apostles."
aedes see "yellow fever mosquito."
Aegean see "Aegean Sea." [1/3 definitions]
aeropulse see "pulsejet engine."
Afro-American See "African-American."
air hole see "air pocket." [1/3 definitions]
Aleutian see "Aleut." [1/2 definitions]
alkalize see "alkalinize."
alphorn see "alpenhorn."
alyssum see "sweet alyssum." [1/2 definitions]
American Revised Version see "American Standard Version."
amphitheatre a spelling of "amphitheater" used in Canada and Britain. See "amphitheater" for more information.
amplitude modulation see "AM."
an see "a1," "a2." [1/2 definitions]
analyse a spelling of "analyze" used in Canada and Britain. See "analyze" for more information.
anemone see "sea anemone." [1/2 definitions]
angina see "angina pectoris." [1/2 definitions]
ante meridiem see "A.M."
apatosaurus see "apatosaur."