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ante in poker, an amount of money that a player must put into play before seeing his or her cards. [1/3 definitions]
big brother (cap.) in the 1948 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, an invisible but all-seeing and omnipotent force representing totalitarian government. [1/3 definitions]
darshan in Hinduism, an instance of seeing or being in the presence of the divine, thought to be experienced through seeing a very holy person, sacred object, or holy place. [1/2 definitions]
foresight the act or power of seeing into the future, or the knowledge gained thereby; prescience; foreknowledge. [1/2 definitions]
guide dog a specially trained dog used by a blind person as an aid and companion; seeing-eye dog.
make the rounds to go from one place to another in a succession of encounters or visits, as in seeing friends or looking for work.
promenade to take a leisurely stroll, often with the purpose of seeing others or being seen by others. [1/8 definitions]
-scope an instrument or device for seeing or observing.
-scopy seeing; examining; observing (used in abstract nouns corresponding to nouns ending in "-scope").
Seeing Eye dog trademark for a dog trained by Seeing Eye, Inc., to guide blind people in walking about.
sight the act or an instance of seeing. [1/11 definitions]
sighting an act or instance of seeing, esp. the observation of something unusual or sought after.
sightless incapable of seeing; blind.
sightseeing pertaining to, engaged in, or used for seeing sights. [1/2 definitions]
vision a particular way of seeing or conceiving of something that may come to pass or come into being. [1/6 definitions]
visual pertaining to sight or seeing. [1/5 definitions]