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angle2 to seek artfully or slyly. [1/2 definitions]
appeal to seek recourse from a higher authority. [1/7 definitions]
ask to seek an answer to; inquire. [1/5 definitions]
attempt to try or seek. [1/3 definitions]
berry to seek or gather berries. [1/2 definitions]
bootlick to seek favor by abasing oneself to (someone); toady.
canvass to seek votes, contributions, or sales from (a group or a district). [1/8 definitions]
carpetbagger a Northerner who went to the South to seek private gain in the aftermath of the American Civil War, usu. depicted as carrying his belongings in a carpetbag. [1/2 definitions]
check up on to look at or seek information about (someone or something) in order to find out if they are all right or if they getting into any trouble.
clown to perform as a clown or seek to amuse others through comical, prankish behavior (sometimes fol. by "around"). [1/4 definitions]
court to seek the favor or affections of. [2/9 definitions]
fawn2 to seek attention or favor by flattery or servility. [1/2 definitions]
ferret to seek out or drive from cover, as if by using a hunting animal (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/5 definitions]
find fault to seek out or point out flaws or imperfections (usu. fol. by "with").
grasp at a straw to seek anything, no matter how flimsy, that might save one from a predicament.
grasp at straws to seek anything, no matter how flimsy, that might save one from a predicament.
grope to seek by or as if by groping. [1/5 definitions]
ingratiate to seek or secure another's favor or approval for (oneself) (usu. fol. by "with").
kiss ass (vulgar slang) to seek favor by obsequious behavior.
look for to try to find; seek.
Mass a religious ceremony in the Roman Catholic and certain other churches. At a Mass, people seek communion with God.