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Dictionary Suite
cafeteria a dining hall or restaurant in which customers select or are served their food at a counter and carry it on trays to their tables.
choose to select from two or more alternatives. [1/4 definitions]
choose up (informal) to select players for each side or team, as in a sandlot baseball game.
coordinate to arrange or select things so that they work well together. [1/3 definitions]
cull to sort out or select from a large collection or quantity. [1/5 definitions]
dial a flat, round device that controls a machine or measures something. [2 definitions]
diet1 to limit or select one's own intake of food to improve health or lose weight. [1/6 definitions]
draft of a government agency, to select (a person or persons) for required military service. [2/10 definitions]
draft board a body of citizens who select men for compulsory U.S. military service.
elect to select through the process of voting. [3/8 definitions]
elitism awareness of, and usu. pride in, belonging to a select or privileged group. [1/2 definitions]
elitist believing in, supporting, or promoting the superiority of a select or privileged group.
esoteric intended for a select few; secret; private. [1/2 definitions]
excerpt to select and use part of a book, a film, or other work. [1/2 definitions]
general election a final election on the national, state, or local level to select one candidate from among those previously nominated in a primary election, at a party convention, or by some other procedure. [1/2 definitions]
gift certificate a coupon that is purchased and then given as a gift, entitling the receiver to select goods or services totaling the amount specified on the coupon.
gift voucher (chiefly British) a coupon that is purchased and then given as a gift, entitling the receiver to select goods or services totaling the amount specified on the coupon; gift certificate.
group to select and arrange by classes or categories. [1/5 definitions]
impanel to enroll on a list or panel for jury duty, or to select (a juror or a jury) from such a list.
judge to decide or select the winner of. [1/6 definitions]
juror one of a body of persons who select the winners in a contest, competition, or the like. [1/3 definitions]