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aikido a system of self-defense, originating in Japan, in which an opponent's strength and weight are used against him or her by using specific throws and holds.
bombardier beetle any of several beetles that spray an acrid, irritating fluid from the abdomen as a method of self-defense.
jujitsu a Japanese form of unarmed self-defense in which one uses one's opponent's weight and strength against him or her. (Cf. judo, karate.)
karate a method of weaponless self-defense, based on strategically placed hard blows with the elbows or the edges of hands or feet.
kung fu a Chinese method of self-defense involving fluid, circular movements of the hands and legs. (Cf. karate.)
martial art (often pl.) any of various systems of self-defense, such as judo and karate, that originated in the Orient.
nonresistant one who does not resist, esp. one who refuses to use violence or force either in self-defense or in opposition to arbitrary or illegal authority. [1/2 definitions]
stun gun a portable, battery-operated instrument that gives a strong electrical shock when it is pressed into contact with someone, used esp. by law officers or in self-defense.
tai chi a Chinese system of slow and methodical physical exercises, developed as a method of self-defense, and as an aid to meditation.