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Barack Obama the 44th President of the United States. Before his 2004 election to the U.S. Senate, in which he served until November 2008, Barack Obama worked as an attorney, a community organizer, and an Illinois state senator (1997-2004). He is the first African-American to be elected to the U.S. presidency (b.1961).
conference committee in the U.S. Congress, a temporary panel assembled from members of both the Senate and House of Representatives to resolve differences between two versions of a particular bill and create a compromise version.
congress (capitalized) the branch of the U.S. government that is elected to make laws. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. [1/2 definitions]
continuous body a legislative body, such as the U.S. Senate, that achieves stability by staggering the terms of its members to prevent more than a minority of seats from changing in a single election.
House of Representatives one of the two parts of the United States Congress. The other part is the Senate.
President Pro Tempore the second-highest ranking officer of the Senate, elected by the members of the Senate and customarily the most senior member of the majority party, who, in the absence of the Vice President, officially presides over the Senate chamber.
Rule 22 the rule of the U.S. Senate that lists the precedence of U.S. Senate motions and describes the procedure for ending a filibuster. [1/2 definitions]
Rules Committee the committee of the U.S. Senate responsible for overseeing matters relating to rules and procedures in the Senate, federal elections, U.S. presidential succession, qualifications of Senate members, corrupt government practices, and the administration of Senate office buildings. Most often referred to as Senate Rules Committee, the formal name is United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. [1/2 definitions]
SB abbreviation of "Senate bill."
Sen. abbreviation of "Senator," a member of a senate.
Senate majority leader the senator who is the highest ranking member of the majority party in the U.S. Senate and who speaks for and represents the interests of his or her fellow majority party senators.
Senate minority leader the senator who is the highest ranking member of the minority party in the U.S. Senate and who speaks for and represents the interests of his or her fellow minority party senators.
Senate Rules Committee the committee of the U.S. Senate responsible for overseeing matters relating to rules and procedures in the Senate, federal elections, U.S. presidential succession, qualifications of Senate members, corrupt government practices, and the administration of Senate office buildings. The formal name is United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
senator a member of a senate.
SPQR abbreviation of "Senatus Populusque Romanus," (Latin) the Senate and People of Rome.
Supreme Court the highest court in the United States. It has nine judges, who are chosen by the president and approved by the Senate.
Tenure of Office Act a law forbidding the U.S. President to remove a federal officeholder from office without the approval of the Senate. The act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1867, overriding the veto of President Andrew Johnson.
unanimous consent agreement a means by which the U.S. Senate expedites legislative proceedings, calling for members to agree upon a set of terms by which procedures surrounding a piece of legislation will be conducted. Unanimous consent agreements specify items such as a time limit for debate on a bill and who will control the debate.
United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration the committee of the U.S. Senate responsible for overseeing matters relating to rules and procedures in the Senate, federal elections, U.S. presidential succession, qualifications of Senate members, corrupt government practices, and the administration of Senate office buildings. The committee is often referred to as Senate Rules Committee.
upper house (often cap.) the smaller, less representative branch of a bicameral legislature, such as the U.S. Senate.
vice president the title of the elected official in the U.S. government who ranks just below the president. The vice president is also the president of the Senate. [1/2 definitions]