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Dictionary Suite
beam a long, strong piece of wood or metal that supports parts of a building. [1/3 definitions]
dart to shoot out or send out suddenly. [1/4 definitions]
emit to send out or give off.
eradiate to send out rays; radiate.
erupt of a volcano, to break open and send out hot melted rock and ash. [1/2 definitions]
go off of a gun, to send out a shot. [1/8 definitions]
quasar a heavenly object that is similar to a star. Quasars are far away from the earth and send out powerful radio waves.
radiate to send out.
ring2 to cause a bell to send out a sound as a signal or summons. [1/18 definitions]
scintillate to send out sparks. [2/4 definitions]
shed2 to send out or give off. [1/4 definitions]
spray1 water or other liquid flying or falling through the air in fine drops; mist. [2 definitions]
take root to send out new roots; begin to grow or become fixed in the ground. [1/2 definitions]
throw out to send out (heat); radiate. [1/7 definitions]
transmit to make known or send out; broadcast. [1/3 definitions]
turn to send out, let go, or drive away. [1/22 definitions]