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commodore a title of courtesy given to the senior captain of a merchant fleet or to the president of a yacht club. [1/2 definitions]
dean the senior or leading member of some group. [1/4 definitions]
don1 a professor, esp. one that is senior and distinguished, in one of the English universities, esp. Oxford or Cambridge. [1/2 definitions]
doyen the senior or highest-ranking male member of a group.
doyenne the senior or highest-ranking female member of a group.
elder1 greater in rank or authority; senior. [1/7 definitions]
first sergeant the senior noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marines who is responsible for personnel and administration of a company, squadron, or other unit.
junior of the class above sophomore and below senior in U.S. colleges and high schools; third year. [1/5 definitions]
père (French) senior. [1/2 definitions]
platoon sergeant in the U.S. Army, the senior noncommissioned officer in a platoon.
President Pro Tempore the second-highest ranking officer of the Senate, elected by the members of the Senate and customarily the most senior member of the majority party, who, in the absence of the Vice President, officially presides over the Senate chamber.
ranking having a senior or superior position. [1/2 definitions]
secretary of state (cap.) the most senior position within the U.S. Department of State. [1/4 definitions]
senior being the older of two male relatives having the same name. The word "Senior," often written as "Sr.," is used after the name of a father whose son has the same name. [1/7 definitions]
seniority the state of being senior. [1/2 definitions]
Sr. abbreviation of "Senior."
upperclassman a member of the junior or senior class in a high school, college, or university.