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absurd not making any sense; not going together in a typical or logical way.
absurdity something that makes no sense or is not at all in the normal order of things. [1/2 definitions]
acuity sharpness or keenness, as of sense perception or understanding.
add up to bring one to a logical conclusion; to make sense.
admissible capable or deserving of being admitted or conceded; allowable, esp. in a legal sense.
affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy. [1/5 definitions]
allegorize to perceive or understand in an abstract or symbolic sense. [1/3 definitions]
artistic having a sense of discrimination or taste. [1/3 definitions]
auditory having to do with or referring to hearing or the sense of hearing.
babble to speak without making sense. [1/5 definitions]
bat2 any of various usu. night-flying mammals that have wings that are covered with membranes, and that sense objects mostly by means of reflected sound waves rather than by vision.
bearing (often plural) position in relation to other things; sense of direction. [1/4 definitions]
bind to force to do something by law or a sense of duty. [1/4 definitions]
bloodhound a breed of dog. Bloodhounds are large dogs with baggy skin and long, drooping ears. They have an excellent sense of smell and are used to track people or animals.
buckle to set oneself with will and a sense of purpose (usually followed by "down"). [1/6 definitions]
caesura a break or hesitation in a line of verse, usu. necessitated by the sense of the words.
chemoreception the response of a sense organ or nerve ending to a chemical stimulus.
common sense ordinary good judgment in everyday matters. Common sense is learned through experience and not through education.
compare apples to oranges to liken two things that make no sense to be likened because they are not alike all.
comprehend mentally or emotionally come to terms with or make logical sense of; grasp the reality of or reasons behind. [1/3 definitions]
confidence a sense of trust or faith in a person or thing.