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acute sharp; quick; sensitive. [1/4 definitions]
antenna a thin, sensitive appendage on the head of an insect or crustacean, used to feel with. [1/2 definitions]
baroreceptor a nerve ending sensitive to blood pressure that helps regulate the dilation of blood vessels in the circulatory system.
callous not having kindness; not sensitive; having a hard heart. [1/2 definitions]
camera a device with a shutter and lens that produces photographs by recording images on a light-sensitive film or plate. [1/2 definitions]
clean room an enclosed space kept as free as possible of any contaminants such as dust or germs, as for the production of highly sensitive precision parts.
complement a heat-sensitive substance in normal blood serum and plasma that, in combination with antibodies, destroys antigens. [1/7 definitions]
conscious sensitive to; knowing; aware (often followed by "of"). [1/3 definitions]
consciousness-raising a process in which people are made more sensitive or aware of others, and thus gain understanding and sympathy for their situation, used in combating discrimination. [1/2 definitions]
contact print a photograph made by pressing a negative against light-sensitive paper and exposing it to light.
delicate requiring care and gentle handling; sensitive. [1/7 definitions]
dentine the bony material underneath the enamel of a tooth that forms the main part of the tooth. Dentine is sensitive to heat, cold, and touch.
desensitize to make less interested, sensitive, involved, or the like; cause to be indifferent. [1/2 definitions]
emulsion a light-sensitive coating of silver halides suspended in gelatin, used on photographic film and paper. [1/2 definitions]
euglena any of various freshwater flagellates of the genus Euglena, characterized by a single flagellum, light-sensitive eyespot, and usually bright green coloring.
eyespot a primitive visual organ that is sensitive to light, found in many invertebrates. [1/2 definitions]
fastidious excessively sensitive or delicate in matters of food, manners, dress, or personal hygiene. [1/2 definitions]
film a thin cellulose strip covered with a light-sensitive material, used to make photographic images. [1/11 definitions]
geophone a sensitive electronic receiver designed to detect seismic vibrations.
gravimeter an extremely sensitive device for measuring variations in the gravitational field of the earth or the moon. [1/2 definitions]
have a thin skin to be very sensitive to criticism.