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absolute in grammar, syntactically independent, or nearly so, as "the weather being chilly" in the sentence "The weather being chilly, we stayed home." [1/7 definitions]
active used in grammar to describe a form of the verb that emphasizes the person or thing who performs the action. In the sentence "John ate the apple," the verb "ate" is in an active form. In the sentence "The apple was eaten by John," the verb is in a passive form. [1/2 definitions]
adjective a word that describes a noun or pronoun. In the sentence, "It was a hard test," the word "hard" is an adjective. It describes the noun "test."
adverb a word that describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or whole sentence. When a word is an adverb, it describes how or when or where we do things. Words like "tomorrow," "here," "there," "slowly," and "usually" are adverbs. Adverbs also go in front of other adverbs or adjectives to describe those words.
alliteration the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase or sentence.
although used when two parts of a sentence are true but seem to disagree with each other.
anacoluthon a sudden shift within a sentence from one grammatical structure to another, esp. when done for rhetorical effect.
anastrophe reversal of the normal sentence structure or word order, as in the sentence "To the battlefield rode the commanders."
apodosis in a conditional sentence, the clause that expresses the result or conclusion, sometimes beginning with "then". (Cf. protasis.)
apposition in grammar, the relationship, esp. of the second to the first, of two nouns or noun equivalents that are placed together in a sentence without a connecting conjunction, as in "Ed Smith, the famous athlete". [1/3 definitions]
auxiliary verb a part of the verb phrase in a sentence that supports or adds information to the verb. In the phrases "She is sleeping" and "Do you like it?", "is" and "do" are auxiliary verbs.
be used to connect the subject of a sentence to a noun or adjective that describes it. [2/6 definitions]
capital letter a letter of the alphabet written or printed larger than and in a somewhat different form from its lower-case equivalent and used to designate a proper noun or initiate a sentence.
case1 in grammar, the syntactical relationship of a noun, pronoun, or adjective to other words in a sentence, indicated by its inflection or its position in the sentence. [1/9 definitions]
clause a group of words in a sentence that has a subject and a verb. A clause can be part or all of a sentence. In the sentence "I was tired, so I went to bed," there are two clauses connected by "so."
comma a punctuation mark (,). It is used to separate words, phrases, or other parts of a sentence. It is also used in writing large numbers.
commutation a substitution of a milder for a more severe criminal sentence. [1/3 definitions]
commute to reduce the severity of (a prison sentence). [1/7 definitions]
complement in grammar, a word or phrase that is necessary to complete a construction, such as "happy" in the sentence "He seems happy," or "a judge" in the sentence "She became a judge." [1/7 definitions]
complex sentence a sentence made of a main or independent clause and one or more dependent or subordinate clauses. An example of a complex sentence is, "I went to the theater, which was very crowded with people."
compound1 having to do with a word that has two or more parts, or a sentence made up of two or more main clauses. "Bathroom" is a compound word. "I went to the store, and I bought some bread" is a compound sentence. [1/3 definitions]