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autumn the season of the year between summer and winter, in the northern hemisphere continuing from the September equinox to the December solstice; fall.
Elul the twelfth and last month of the Jewish lunisolar calendar, occurring from late August through early September in the Gregorian calendar.
equinox either of the two times during the year when the sun's rays are perpendicular to the earth's equator, occurring in March and September. During the equinox, day and night are both 12 hours long all over the world.
Labor Day a holiday in the United States and Canada to honor the labor of working people. Labor Day is the first Monday in September.
Libra the seventh sign of the zodiac, the Scales, which the sun enters about September 23. [2/3 definitions]
lovebug a small black fly of the southeastern United States that swarms in large numbers in May and September.
Michaelmas September 29, a festival celebrated in honor of the archangel Michael.
Sept. abbreviation of "September."
September the ninth month of the year. September has thirty days. Autumn begins in September for people who live north of the equator.
summer the warmest season of the year, falling between spring and autumn. In the northern hemisphere, summer begins in June and continues into September. In the southern hemisphere, summer begins in December and continues into March. [1/2 definitions]
Tishri the first month of the Jewish lunisolar calendar, occurring from mid-September through early October in the Gregorian calendar.
Virgo a person born under this sign, between August 21 and September 22. [1/3 definitions]
V-J Day the day the Allied Forces won victory over Japan in World War II, either August 15, 1945, the day the fighting stopped, or September 2, 1945, the day the surrender was officially signed (acronym for "victory in Japan").
winter the season of the year that is the lowest in temperature and occurs between the autumn and spring seasons. In the northern hemisphere, winter begins with the December solstice and ends at the March equinox. In the Southern hemisphere, winter begins at the summer solstice in June and ends with the autumnal equinox in September. [1/10 definitions]