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abrogate to do away with; set aside. [1/2 definitions]
accredit to certify, as meeting a set of standards. [1/4 definitions]
acrylic resin any of a group of transparent synthetic resins that become pliable or set when heated and are used in acrylic fibers, plastics, and synthetic rubbers.
activation code a set of characters, consisting of numbers, letters, characters, or a combination of these, that is sent by a website to a user's email so that the website can verify the user's email address and comply with the user's request to begin a new service or change personal information. Once received, the user enters the code into the provided box on the website so that fulfillment of the user's request can begin.
actuate to put into action or set in motion; cause to operate. [1/2 definitions]
adornment an ornamental item, or a system or set of these. [1/2 definitions]
adz an axlike tool with a curved, sharp-edged head set crosswise to the handle, used for shaping large pieces of wood.
aim to set a desired course or direction. [1/8 definitions]
alarm clock a clock with a bell or buzzer that can be set to sound at a particular time.
album a long-playing phonograph record or set of records, or the jacket or binder thereof. [1/3 definitions]
allocate to assign or set aside (money or other resources) for some specific use. [1/2 definitions]
allot to set apart for a particular purpose; assign. [1/2 definitions]
allow to give or set aside. [1/2 definitions]
almanac a book published every year that predicts the weather for each day and gives facts about the tides, the time the sun will rise and set, and other useful information. [1/2 definitions]
alveolus one of the hollows within the jawbone in which the roots of the teeth are set. [1/2 definitions]
ambition a strong desire to reach a set goal or to be generally successful in life, esp. the desire to become famous, wealthy, or powerful. [1/2 definitions]
ambitionless having no strong desire to set or reach goals; being without ambition.
amethyst made of or set with amethysts. [1/4 definitions]
analogy a statement of logic wherein one set of paired items has the same relationship between its two members as two items of another set. [1/5 definitions]
apartment a room or set of rooms used as living space.
appoint to set or decide on. [1/2 definitions]