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actuate to put into action or set in motion; cause to operate. [1/2 definitions]
bedspring any of a number of springs closely confined in a frame and set in a bedstead to support a mattress.
begin to be set in process; start. [1/6 definitions]
bold set in heavy type that stands out. [1/2 definitions]
boldface to set in boldface. [1/2 definitions]
bold-faced set in boldface. [1/2 definitions]
case law law based on precedents set in particular cases rather than on statute.
chain saw a portable power saw that cuts by means of teeth set into a revolving chain.
chest of drawers a large piece of furniture that has several drawers and is usu. set in a bedroom to hold clothing; dresser.
come on to enter a stage or a set in order to perform. [1/7 definitions]
copy written material to be set in type. [1/8 definitions]
cue ball the solid white ball set in motion by the cue in pool and billiards.
deadlight a thick glass window set in a ship's hull or deck. [1/3 definitions]
dole an amount or allotment of food, money, or the like so distributed, often at set intervals. [1/4 definitions]
embedded of journalists, stationed and traveling with a designated active military unit for the purpose of wartime reporting.
fret saw a fine-toothed saw with a narrow blade set in a U-shaped frame, used to cut ornamental patterns in wood and other materials.
garden apartment an apartment building or apartment set in a landscaped area.
generatrix a point, line, or plane that generates a geometric figure when set in motion, such as a line that generates a plane.
glass (plural) a pair of lenses set in frames that help a person to see better; eyeglasses. [1/3 definitions]
hookah a smoking pipe with a long tube set in water, designed to cool the smoke as it is drawn through.
hyoid of or designating a bone or bones at the base of the tongue in man, or a similar set in animals. [1/2 definitions]