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alpha having the dominant position among other members of the same sex within a group; top. [1/3 definitions]
androsterone a male sex hormone, excreted in the urine of both males and females, and synthetically manufactured from cholesterol.
antheridium the organ in flowerless and seedless plants that produces male sex cells.
antisex combined form of sex.
asexual having no sex or sex organs; sexless. [1/2 definitions]
autosome any of an organism's chromosomes except the two involved in sex determination.
bull1 of the male sex. [1/9 definitions]
chauvinism biased and nonobjective belief in the superiority of one's own sex. [1/2 definitions]
chauvinist one who has a biased belief in the superiority of one's own sex over the other.
circumcise to remove the foreskin from the sex organ of (a male) or the clitoris or labia from the sex organ of (a female).
cisgender of, pertaining to, or being a person whose personal gender identity corresponds with the sex that this person was born with or was assigned at the time of birth.
civil rights in the United States, certain rights and liberties, as to vote, own property, and be treated equally regardless of race, religion, or sex, that are guaranteed by amendments to the Constitution and certain Congressional Acts, esp. as applied to an individual or a minority group. [1/2 definitions]
date1 a person who accompanies one to a social event, esp. a person of the opposite sex. [1/11 definitions]
desex to remove the sex organs of; castrate or spay. [2 definitions]
dichromatic having two color phases independent of sex or age, as some insects and birds. [1/3 definitions]
diploid in biology, having two of each non-sex-determining chromosome in each cell. [3 definitions]
female any human being or animal of the sex that produces eggs or conceives and bears young. [2/4 definitions]
feminine of or relating to a woman or girl; of the female sex. [1/4 definitions]
femininity the characteristics associated with the female sex. [1/2 definitions]
free-living freely indulging desires and appetites, as for food, drink, or sex, as a way of life.
gender the sex of a person or animal. [1/3 definitions]