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antisexuality combined form of sexuality.
Priapus in Greek and Roman mythology, the son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, considered the guardian of gardens and the god of procreation, personifying male sexuality. [1/2 definitions]
psychosexual of or pertaining to the relationship or dynamic between psychological phenomena and sexuality.
queer of or pertaining to people who are not heterosexual, or who do not define their sexuality as something static or in standard terms of "heterosexual "or "homosexual." The term can also apply to people who are not cisgender; that is, people who do not identify with the sex that was assigned to them at birth. [1/4 definitions]
sensual sexually alluring; suggestive of sexuality. [1/4 definitions]
sexed having or exhibiting sexuality, esp. in a particular degree. [1/2 definitions]
supersexuality combined form of sexuality.