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a1 having the shape of an A. [1/6 definitions]
abstract existing without physical shape or substance. [1/3 definitions]
acorn squash a variety of winter squash with a ridged acorn shape and dark green skin.
actin any of a group of contractile proteins, including proteins involved in muscle contraction, cell motility, and maintenance of cellular shape.
aerodynamic having a smooth, even shape that offers the least possible resistance to air currents or movement.
A-frame an upright supporting frame in the shape of an "A," or a house constructed with one or more such frames as its main structural supports.
alar like a wing in shape or function. [1/2 definitions]
almond having the shape of an almond seed; oval with one pointed end. [1/6 definitions]
amoeba a tiny living thing made of only one cell. Amoebas move by changing their shape. They eat by wrapping their bodies around their food. Amoebas live in fresh and salt water, soil, and in animals. Most kinds of amoebas can only be seen through a microscope.
amorphous lacking definite form, shape, or character. [1/2 definitions]
aneroid barometer a barometer that uses a thin metal disk covering a partial vacuum, such that a change in atmospheric pressure results in a corresponding change in the shape of the disk and moves the indicator needle.
anthropoid of apes, resembling a human being, esp. in shape. [1/3 definitions]
anywise in any way, shape, or manner.
apron something similar to such a garment in shape, function, or position. [1/3 definitions]
arborescent treelike in shape or size.
arrow a sign with a shape like this weapon. An arrow is used to point out a place or show which way to go. [1/2 definitions]
arrowhead something in the shape of an arrowhead. [1/3 definitions]
arthroscope an instrument in the shape of a fine tube that is used, in conjunction with fiber optics, for diagnosing and treating ailments of the joint.
auricular similar in shape to an ear. [1/3 definitions]
baguette a gem cut in a long, rectangular shape. [2/3 definitions]
ball bearing a machine part made of a groove in the shape of a circle with metal balls that roll in it. A ball bearing lets an axle or other part move easily.