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abrupt sharp; steep. [1/3 definitions]
accidental in music, a symbol that indicates that a note should be played or sung one or two semitones higher or lower than is otherwise indicated. In most cases, the pitch is to be raised or lowered by one half step, as from F natural to F sharp. [1/5 definitions]
acerbic sharp, sour, or harsh in manner, tone, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
acid sharp or cutting in speech. [1/4 definitions]
acidulous sharp or biting, as in manner or tone. [1/2 definitions]
acrid sharp or biting in language or tone. [1/2 definitions]
acuminate tapering to a sharp point, as a leaf or claw; pointed. [2 definitions]
acute sharp; quick; sensitive. [2/4 definitions]
adz an axlike tool with a curved, sharp-edged head set crosswise to the handle, used for shaping large pieces of wood.
agile quick in mind; sharp; alert. [1/2 definitions]
ammoniac a sharp-smelling gum resin from the stem of an Asian plant, used in perfumes and porcelain cements; gum ammoniac. [1/2 definitions]
angularity (pl.) sharp corners or outlines. [1/2 definitions]
anhinga any of various large swimming and diving birds of tropical and subtropical America that have a long sharp bill and a long snaky neck; snakebird.
arête a sharp, narrow ridge or crest on a mountain.
arrowhead the sharp, pointed part on the end of an arrow.
Attic salt (often l.c.) sharp wit, skillfully phrased; Attic wit.
awl a tool used to make holes in leather or wood. Awls are small and have a sharp point.
barb a small, sharp point that sticks out in the opposite direction of the main point or hook, as on an arrow, fishhook, or the like.
bark1 the harsh sound made by a dog. [1/3 definitions]
barnacle a small sea animal that attaches its shell to rocks, the bottom of ships, docks, and other objects in shallow parts of the ocean. Barnacles float freely in the ocean when they are young. They develop shells with sharp edges as adults. Barnacles are kinds of crustaceans.
billhook a sharp curved or hooked tool used for pruning, cutting, and clearing brush.