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bar sinister in heraldry, a bar on a shield that runs diagonally from lower left to upper right, signifying an illegitimate ancestor; bend sinister. [1/3 definitions]
bend sinister in heraldry, a diagonal band from the lower left to the upper right of a shield, signifying bastardy; bar sinister.
benzocaine a white, odorless, tasteless powder used in ointments as a local anesthetic and a shield against sunburn.
buckler a small round hand-held shield.
carapace a horny covering or shield on the back of certain animals such as turtles and crustaceans.
clypeate in biology, shaped like a round shield, as a plate on the head of certain insects.
coat of arms the symbol of a family, country, or organization. It shows designs and figures on and around a shield.
crest a decoration displayed above the shield on a coat of arms. [1/4 definitions]
emblazon to display (a coat of arms) on a knight's shield or other surface. [1/5 definitions]
escutcheon a shield or shield-shaped surface on which a coat of arms is shown. [1/3 definitions]
fess a broad horizontal band that forms the middle third of a heraldic shield.
gobo a screen used to shield a microphone from undesired sounds. [1/2 definitions]
guardant of an animal on a heraldic shield, depicted with the head facing the viewer and the body in profile.
mudguard a shield or flap over the wheel of a vehicle to deflect mud and stones thrown by the wheel's motion. [1/2 definitions]
nosepiece a protective shield for the nose, as on a helmet. [1/3 definitions]
parfleche an article such as a pouch, case, or shield made of such rawhide. [1/2 definitions]
protect to defend or keep safe; shield from danger or harm.
screen an upright movable shield to provide privacy or divide a room. [1/9 definitions]
scutate shaped like a shield, as a leaf. [1/2 definitions]
scutellate of a plant, protected by small plates or scales, or resembling a shield. [1/2 definitions]
scutum a large shield used by infantrymen in ancient Rome. [1/2 definitions]