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anacoluthon a sudden shift within a sentence from one grammatical structure to another, esp. when done for rhetorical effect.
buck-passer (informal) a person who tends to shift responsibility to somebody else.
chemise an unfitted women's undergarment; shift. [1/2 definitions]
chop2 to suddenly shift direction; swerve, esp. with the wind.
continental drift the theory that the earth's continents shift their positions because of currents in the molten magma of the earth's mantle.
creep to shift gradually out of place, as machine parts or loose soil. [1/12 definitions]
cut to make a quick shift from one thing to another. [1/12 definitions]
cutaway shot in a film, a sudden shift of the scene away from the main action to an apparently unrelated event.
cutback a quick shift to the reverse direction, as of a runner in football. [1/2 definitions]
dinkey a small locomotive, used in a railroad yard to shift or haul cars.
displacement in psychoanalysis, the shift of feeling from its original or appropriate object to another object. [1/4 definitions]
dodge to avoid by a quick shift of position or direction. [1/5 definitions]
Doppler effect the apparent shift in frequency of waves, as of sound or light, if the source and receptor are in motion relative to each other. The frequency appears to become greater if they move closer and become less if they move apart.
downshift to shift a motor vehicle's transmission into a lower gear.
fleet2 in nautical terminology, to shift position. [2/5 definitions]
flit to shift or change rapidly in place, condition, interest, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
graveyard shift (informal) a work shift that extends through the early morning hours, often beginning at midnight. [2 definitions]
hair shirt a coarse haircloth shirt or shift worn next to the skin as penance.
heave in geology, the horizontal shift of a rock layer. [1/11 definitions]
industrial revolution (often cap.) a complex of economic and social changes caused by the shift of production from hand or physical labor at home or in small workshops to mechanized systems in large factories, as in the weaving of textiles, esp. in England in the eighteenth century.
jib2 to shift (a sail) from one side to the other while sailing before the wind; jibe.