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beam to shine brightly. [1/5 definitions]
blaze1 to burn or shine with or as though with fire. [1/4 definitions]
blink to gleam or shine sporadically; twinkle. [2/10 definitions]
bright strong or clear in color or shine. [1/3 definitions]
buffer2 something used to polish or shine.
chamois to buff, shine, or rub with a chamois cloth. [1/5 definitions]
dazzle to shine or glitter brilliantly. [1/6 definitions]
digraph a pair of letters representing a single sound, such as "sh" in "shine".
flash to shine brightly; gleam. [1/7 definitions]
flicker1 to burn or shine in an unsteady way. [1/4 definitions]
glint to give off flickers or small flashes of reflected light; shine briefly. [2/4 definitions]
glisten to shine or sparkle with reflected light.
glitter to shine brightly; sparkle. [2/3 definitions]
gloss1 a shine on a surface.
glow to shine with bright light from being very hot. [1/2 definitions]
lackluster lacking shine or sparkle; dull. [1/2 definitions]
lantern a case or container that is made of a material through which a light can shine and be protected.
lip gloss a cosmetic ointment that gives shine to the lips, used as a moisturizer and often worn over lipstick.
luster the shine of a surface that softly reflects light; glow.
matte having a finish lacking in shine and luster; dull. [1/3 definitions]
moon the earth's natural satellite. It revolves around the earth from west to east in about 28 days. The moon joins the earth in its orbit around the sun. The moon does not give off light. Instead, its shine comes from the light it reflects from the sun. [1/2 definitions]