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chest a durable box with a lid and often with a lock, used for storage or shipping. [1/4 definitions]
collect on delivery a method of ordering or shipping goods in which payment is made, usu. in cash, when the goods are delivered; c.o.d. [1/2 definitions]
crate a box for shipping made of wood or other material.
fourth-class of or relating to a class next below the third, as for mailing, shipping, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
freight goods or cargo shipped by commercial transport, or the fee charged for such shipping. [1/6 definitions]
landlocked lacking access to the sea, as some smaller bodies of water or a country whose shipping must cross other countries in order to reach a seaport. [1/2 definitions]
line1 a transportation system, such as a shipping line, rail line, or bus line, or a particular route taken by vehicles in the system. [1/21 definitions]
marine of or concerning ships or shipping; nautical. [1/7 definitions]
navigation traffic by ship, esp. commercial shipping. [1/4 definitions]
parcel something wrapped or packed for carrying or shipping; package. [1/3 definitions]
roundup the act of driving cattle together for branding or shipping to market. [1/3 definitions]
sailing of or pertaining to ships or shipping. [1/6 definitions]
shipment the act of shipping goods. [1/2 definitions]
shipper a person in the business of sending and delivering goods; shipping agent.
shipping clerk an employee who attends to the shipping and receiving of goods and merchandise.
state socialism the theory, doctrine, or practice of a planned economy controlled by the state and based on state ownership of major shipping lines, public utilities, and basic industries.
Styrofoam trademark for a substance that can be molded into firm, lightweight shapes. The substance is often used in packaging food and other items and for protecting items in shipping.
terminal either end of a railway, shipping line, bus route, or the like, or a town at this place. [1/11 definitions]
tonnage the total shipping of a country or port according to this measure. [1/4 definitions]
waybill a document that accompanies the goods it lists and that includes shipping instructions.