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accent a mark (' or `). Accents are used to show what parts of a word are to be said with more stress. [2/5 definitions]
acclaim to show enthusiastic approval of. [1/2 definitions]
acknowledge to show thanks for. [1/3 definitions]
acknowledgment something done to express thanks or show appreciation. [1/2 definitions]
age to show the signs of old age. [1/8 definitions]
analog clock a clock that displays the time using a long hand to show the hour and a short hand to show the minutes.
analogize to show similarities between (two or more things). [1/3 definitions]
apostrophe1 a punctuation mark ('). It is used to show where one or more letters or numbers have been left out. "Wouldn't" for "would not" and "'87" for "1987" use apostrophes this way. [2 definitions]
appearance outward show or aspect; seeming. [1/4 definitions]
approve to show approval or think well of something or someone. [1/3 definitions]
arrow a sign with a shape like this weapon. An arrow is used to point out a place or show which way to go. [1/2 definitions]
asterisk a sign (*). It is used to show that there is other information on the page that explains the information where the sign is placed.
attest to show or prove the truth of. [1/2 definitions]
autism a human disorder that begins to show itself in early childhood. Autism is marked by problems with language learning, language use, and social interaction.
badge a pin or small piece of cloth that people wear to show that they belong to a group, have a particular job, or have done something special.
bare to show something or tell something that had not been seen or heard before. [1/2 definitions]
bar graph a graph that uses bars of different lengths to show information.
barker1 a person who stands at the entrance to a carnival, show, or the like, loudly encouraging people to buy tickets to enter. [1/2 definitions]
be used with a present participle to show a continuing action. [2/6 definitions]
become to look good with; show to advantage. [1/3 definitions]
bench show a competitive show of dogs or cats in which prizes are awarded on the basis of greatest conformity to ideal standards for a given breed.