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autograph a signature, esp. that of a famous person. [1/4 definitions]
blank check a bank check with the signature, but not the amount, filled in, leaving the payee free to set the amount. [1/2 definitions]
concurrent resolution a resolution passed by both houses of a bicameral legislative body that is not legally binding and does not require the chief executive's signature.
cosign to sign in support of another's signature, as in securing a loan. [1/2 definitions]
cosignatory affixing one's signature on a document together with one or more other persons. [1/2 definitions]
countersign a second or additional signature, esp. one made to confirm the authenticity of the first. [2/4 definitions]
curlicue a decorative curled line, as on a signature.
endorsement the act of endorsing, as by signing the back of a check, or the signature so added. [1/3 definitions]
inscription a short dedication or message, usu. with a signature, as on a book or picture given to someone. [1/3 definitions]
John Hancock (informal) anyone's signature. [1/2 definitions]
postscript a note or message added at the end of a letter following the writer's signature.
P.S. written to introduce a note added to a letter that is below the writer's signature. "P.S." is an abbreviation of "postscript."
registered mail mail that is accompanied by the signature of each postal handler and must be signed for by the addressee, to provide a record that it has been delivered.
sharp in music, an instruction in the key signature that calls for a certain note to be played or sung a half step higher than written wherever it appears in the music, or a notation that a particular single note is to be played or sung a half step higher. [1/16 definitions]
time signature a musical symbol, usu. a numerical fraction located next to the key signature, used to indicate the meter of a composition.
x2 a mark used as a signature by one who cannot write. [1/4 definitions]
yours truly2 used as a closing in letters, before the signature. [1/2 definitions]