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a little a small amount of something (used when the amount, though small, is nonetheless significant). [1/5 definitions]
anticlimax a descent from important or powerful ideas, esp. in speech or writing, to much less significant ones. [1/3 definitions]
appendage something attached to a larger or more significant thing. [1/3 definitions]
big-time (informal) significant or influential in a particular trade, profession, or other field of endeavor. [1/2 definitions]
city a large and significant town, usu. a locally governed commercial and population center. [1/2 definitions]
climate change any very significant change in Earth's climate. [2 definitions]
consequential significant; important. [1/3 definitions]
curio any object, such as a piece of art, that is desired or significant only as a curiosity or novelty.
current events significant events that have recently occurred in a particular area or in the world at large, often reported in the news and discussed publicly.
dehydration the bodily condition of having lost a significant amount of water. [1/2 definitions]
epoch a memorable date, such as one considered to mark the beginning of a significant division of history. [1/3 definitions]
germane having relevance to a given matter; pertinent; significant.
glorify to cause to appear more praiseworthy, significant, or splendid than is actually the case. [1/3 definitions]
historic significant in history. [1/4 definitions]
import to be important or significant; be of consequence. [1/7 definitions]
inappreciable too small to be perceptible or significant.
kernel a tiny but significant element of something. [1/4 definitions]
landmark an event or action that marks a significant development or change. [1/5 definitions]
lead1 first or most significant. [1/20 definitions]
lesser being the smaller or less significant of two things. [1/3 definitions]
make a difference to make a significant and beneficial impact on the lives of other people or living things. [1/2 definitions]