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aloud in an audible voice; not in silence or a whisper. [1/2 definitions]
buy off to give money in exchange for cooperation, silence, or noninterference; bribe.
hist used to command attention or silence.
hush a calm or silence after noise stops. [1/5 definitions]
omertà (Italian) a code of silence that prevents adherents from giving to authorities information concerning activities of a criminal organization.
oyez hear ye! attention! (usu. called out three times by a court or public official to command silence before an official proclamation is made).
rest1 a clear silence between musical notes, or the mark that shows it. [1/12 definitions]
sh be quiet; hush (used to request or demand silence).
squelch to intimidate or silence, as with a crushing reply. [1/7 definitions]
still1 calm; quiet; silence. [1/12 definitions]
Trappist a Roman Catholic monk belonging to an austere branch of the Cistercian order that is committed to the vow of absolute silence.