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acidic containing a high proportion of acid-forming silica, as rocks or soil. [1/3 definitions]
buhrstone a type of rock with much silica, used for grinding; millstone.
burr3 a variety of limestone containing silica, or a millstone made of it; buhrstone.
diatom any of various tiny single-celled algae having cell walls of silica.
glass a hard, breakable, usu. transparent material made from silica and metallic oxides and used for windows, bottles, mirrors, and the like. [1/5 definitions]
granite a coarse-grained igneous rock usu. composed of silica-rich minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and small amounts of mica or amphibole, commonly used for building, sculpture, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
ironstone any of several iron ores containing impurities of silica and clay. [1/2 definitions]
isinglass a mineral compound containing silica that can be separated into thin, often transparent layers; mica. [1/2 definitions]
opal a variously colored, often iridescent, hydrated form of silica often used as a semiprecious stone.
radiolarian any small marine protozoan having an amoebalike body encased in a silica skeleton.
rhyolite a fine-grained, volcanic rock that is similar to granite in composition and has a high silica content.
silex silica, as found in flint or quartz.
silica gel a highly absorbent form of silica, used mainly as a drying agent.
siliceous of, containing, or like silica. [2 definitions]
silicic relating to, containing, or obtained from silicon or silica.
silicon a hard, dark gray substance that is a chemical element. It is found in silica, a compound that makes up one fourth of the earth's crust. Silicon is used in making glass, concrete, bricks, and computer chips. (symbol: Si)
silicosis a disabling lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of silica dust.
stoneware a hard pottery made with clay having a large proportion of silica or flint.