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au naturel uncooked or cooked only a little and served simply. [1/3 definitions]
bullion silver or gold considered simply as a quantity of metal rather than as currency or as a product such as jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
by the way used to add into a conversation something that is on a different subject. This may simply function as a quick interruption of the original discussion or it may serve to change the direction of the conversation completely.
calico a simply woven cotton cloth with a bright printed pattern. [1/3 definitions]
double bass the largest instrument of the violin family and that which has the deepest tone. The double bass is often called simply "the bass."
dressmaker not simply or severely tailored, but in a style considered soft and feminine. [1/2 definitions]
Gaelic the language of Ireland that has been spoken since before English began to be spoken there. Gaelic in Ireland is called simply "Irish" or "Irish Gaelic." [1/2 definitions]
instinct natural behavior in an animal that is not taught by parents or experience but is simply part of what an animal is born with. [1/2 definitions]
merely only as indicated; simply.
mouse over in computing, to use a mouse or other computer device to place the cursor over an item on the computer screen and hover over it without clicking or tapping, or simply to move the cursor over the screen without clicking or tapping on any particular item.
Notre Dame de Paris a renowned cathedral in Paris, France, generally known simply as "Notre Dame." Construction of the Gothic-style cathedral began in the twelfth century.
nun1 a woman who is a member of a religious order. Nuns promise to live simply, not marry, and obey God. Many nuns live in convents.
office the work room of a particular person, where business or other professional work is carried out, or that serves simply as a place where written correspondence, bill-paying, or other similar tasks are engaged in. [1/8 definitions]
plain simply; undeniably. [1/8 definitions]
translate to explain simply; interpret. [1/6 definitions]