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bone the hard tissue that forms the skeleton of a person or animal. [1/2 definitions]
bonefish any of several silvery marine fishes, esp. a bottom-feeder living in shallow tropical waters, having a skeleton composed of many small bones.
cartilage a tough, white tissue that forms part of the skeleton of humans and other animals. Cartilage is not as stiff as bone. Cartilage is found in the ear, nose, and joints.
cartilaginous having a skeleton composed mainly of cartilage, as certain fishes. [1/2 definitions]
coral the hard skeleton of tiny sea animals called corals. Most kinds of corals live in warm tropical oceans, and their thousands of skeletons form reefs and atolls. [2/3 definitions]
death (cap.) the personification of death, usu. in the form of a skeleton wearing a long, black, hooded cape and carrying a scythe. [1/5 definitions]
elasmobranch any of various fishes with a cartilaginous skeleton, such as a shark or ray.
hipbone the three joined bones that form one side of the skeleton from the upper thigh to the waist.
invertebrate an animal that does not have a backbone or skeleton inside its body. Insects, spiders, worms, snails, clams, crabs, and squids are some kinds of invertebrates. [1/2 definitions]
Java man a prehistoric human known from fossilized skeleton parts found in Java, thought to be from the late Pleistocene period; pithecanthropus.
mammal a warm-blooded animal with fur or hair on its skin and a skeleton inside its body. Mammal mothers produce milk to feed their babies. Most mammals have four legs or two arms and two legs. Dogs, cows, elephants, mice, whales, and humans are all mammals.
musculoskeletal of, relating to, or involving the muscles and skeleton.
osteal relating to or affecting bone or the skeleton. [1/2 definitions]
passkey a key that has been filed down so that it opens several kinds of locks; skeleton key. [1/3 definitions]
radiolarian any small marine protozoan having an amoebalike body encased in a silica skeleton.
ray2 a fish with a flat body and a skeleton made of cartilage. Rays have broad fins and long, narrow tails.
reptile a cold-blooded animal with a skeleton inside its body and dry scales or hard plates on its skin. Most reptiles lay eggs with soft, leathery shells. Some kinds of reptiles live in water, but use their noses to breathe air into their lungs. Lizards, turtles, snakes, and crocodiles are kinds of reptiles. Most reptiles have short legs, but snakes creep on the ground without legs.
shark1 a fish that lives in the ocean and has tough skin, large jaws and teeth, and a skeleton made of cartilage. Most sharks eat other fish.
skate2 a kind of fish that has a skeleton of cartilage, a flat body, fins that look like wings, and a pointed snout. Skates live along the western coast of the United States.
skeletonize to reduce to a skeleton or basic structure. [1/3 definitions]
spinal column in vertebrate animals, the row of vertebrae linked together to form the axis of the skeleton and protect the spinal cord; spine; backbone.