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Dictionary Suite
ably in a competent or skillful manner.
adroit skillful with the hands; dextrous. [2 definitions]
blarney skillful or smooth talk, often with some deceit and in an effort to gain favor from the listener. [1/2 definitions]
concinnity a harmonious or skillful arrangement of parts, as in writing or rhetoric.
deft skillful, quick, and clever in action.
dexterous skillful in using one's hands, body, or mind; adroit; clever. [1/2 definitions]
engineer to make, organize, or manage by skillful craft. [1/5 definitions]
glissade a controlled, skillful slide down a snowy or icy slope while on skis, a toboggan, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
guile deceitfulness, treachery, or skillful cunning; wiliness.
handy good at doing things with one's hands; skillful. [1/3 definitions]
heavy-handed not adept or skillful; without dexterity or talent for precision; awkward; clumsy. [1/2 definitions]
maladroit not skillful; clumsy; tactless.
maneuver a skillful or crafty procedure or manipulation. [1/8 definitions]
manipulation skillful or devious handling. [1/2 definitions]
masterstroke an extremely clever or skillful action or accomplishment.
operate (informal) to act with skillful deception so as to improve one's own situation. [1/5 definitions]
overmatch to match against a competitor who is too large, too well-conditioned, or too skillful. [1/2 definitions]
practice repeated performance in order to become skillful. [2/11 definitions]
rifleman a person who uses or is skillful with a rifle. [1/2 definitions]
slick1 skillful or smooth, but without depth or substance; superficial. [1/5 definitions]
tactics (used with a pl. verb) skillful maneuvers for any kind of advantage. [1/3 definitions]