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bang to shut loudly; slam. [1/5 definitions]
Don Budge U.S. tennis player who in 1938 was the first man to win the four tournaments that compose the grand slam of tennis (b.1915--d.2000).
Serena Williams U.S. professional tennis player, who in 1999 became the first African American woman since Althea Gibson to win a Grand Slam tournament (b.1981).
slam2 a competitive spoken-word event, where individuals perform their poetry, often in a style influenced by hip-hop music, and are scored by judges randomly selected from the audience; poetry slam. [2/3 definitions]
smash to crash or slam with great force (usu. fol. by against, into, through, or the like). [1/13 definitions]
Wimbledon a grand slam tournament in professional tennis, also known as the Wimbledon Tennis Championship. [1/2 definitions]