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ascend to slant or slope upward. [1/5 definitions]
aslant crossing at a slant; slantingly across or over. [1/2 definitions]
aslope at a slant; sloping.
athwart crossing at a slant; crosswise. [1/4 definitions]
atilt at a slant; tilted.
bevel to cut or slant at an angle other than a right angle. [1/3 definitions]
cant2 to tilt or slant (something). [2/5 definitions]
decline to slope or slant downward. [1/4 definitions]
deflect to turn aside or slant away from a straight course; swerve.
flat1 having a surface that does not slant up or down. If a roof is flat, it is not higher at one end than the other; level. [1/12 definitions]
glance to hit something at a slant and move off at an angle. [1/3 definitions]
inclination a slope; slant. [1/3 definitions]
incline to slope or slant. [1/3 definitions]
italic of, designating, or pertaining to a style of printing type in which the letters slant to the right, used for emphasis or for foreign words. [1/4 definitions]
lean1 to bend or slant. [1/4 definitions]
rake3 to slant away from a vertical or horizontal line; incline. [3/4 definitions]
shaft a deep passage that goes straight down or at a slant. [1/6 definitions]
slantwise on a slant; obliquely. [1/2 definitions]
slope to slant up or down. [1/4 definitions]
splay to slant or cause to be slanted. [2/4 definitions]
steep1 having a sharp slope or slant. [1/2 definitions]